September 22nd is Faith & Democracy Sunday, so today we join United Church of Christ congregations around the county in blessing VOTE-ive candles during worship, to remind us of our collective power and the enduring truth that we do not walk alone.

In addition to making and enacting a plan to vote, helping others to make a plan to vote, phone-banking, letter-writing, door-knocking, and engaging in difficult conversations with humility and curiosity, we invite you to join us in 40 days of prayer leading up to November’s consequential election. Our concrete actions to get out the vote, cultivate hope, and participate in our democracy will be fueled by prayerful hearts.

Not sure what to pray? Prayer prompts for each day of the week are provided below, but you can also simply light the candle, quiet your mind, and focus your heart on peace, love, and the common good.
Forty Days of Prayer As Our Nation Prepares to Go to the Polls
September 22 - November 3

Adapted from Rev. Karen Winkel
The prophet Micah tells us that God’s desire for us is that we do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. As our nation prepares to go the polls, pray that our collective deliberating and decision-making might reflect God’s dream for us as a people. Pray God’s blessing upon every ballot, polling place, poll worker, and every state’s election board members.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer, pausing to place extra emphasis on the line “on earth as it is in heaven.” Using your spiritual imagination, picture God at work within each voter, that their choices in the voting booth might help us collectively become the answer to Jesus’ prayer, and the candidate elected would align themselves with God’s love, peace, and justice.

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other,“ Mother Teresa observed. Pray for those with values and visions that differ from yours. Ask that God might heal our divisions and enable us to see one another as kin.

Read Psalm 46 and hear it as a prayer that is at this very moment being lifted up on behalf of all who are feeling uncertain or fearful today (including you, if you’re in that space). Let your attention fall on any phrase you find especially helpful. Spend a few extra minutes with the verse “Be still and know that I am God.”

Our sacred story begins with God creating out of emptiness. At the end of each day, God was pleased with what God had fashioned. With this in mind, lift up to God anything on the local, regional, or national level that feels devoid of God’s creative power. As you do, ask God to plant deep within you the certainty that even now in the midst of hard headlines and concerning realities, God is at work. For a few moments, even longer, let God’s peace fill you.

These are wearying times for many. Remember that Jesus said, “Come to me, all you that are weary and carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Offer whatever burdened thoughts or feelings you have about our nation and its future. Notice where in your body you feel lighter or more spacious. Ask God to abide with you in your rest, so that you may carry this peace with you into the work ahead.

Keep company with the prayer printed below. If a specific line speaks to you, repeat it as many times as feels right.

Let Your God Love You
--Edwina Gateley
Be silent.
Be still.
Empty before your God.

Say nothing.
Be silent.
Be still.

Let your God look upon you.
That is all.

God knows.
God understands.
God loves you
With an enormous love.
God only wants
To look upon you
With love.


Let your God
Love you.