Digital Bulletin
and Announcements


Digital Bulletin

We send the link to the bulletin in our weekly email newsletter. If you are visiting the church and don't have a smart phone or don't feel like you can manage this on your own, ask one of the Greeters at the church to check out a tablet to use during the service. You can also print the bulletin directly from the link to bring with you, if you prefer!


We worship at 10am on Sunday, online and in-person, with Sunday School for all ages at 9am.

Please join Mayflower’s Plymouth Guild on Tuesday, Mar. 11th at 10:30am for a presentation by Amy Bruce, the Executive Director of Whiz Kids. Afterward, we will gather for lunch at the Belle Isle Brewery Restaurant at 50 Penn Place, 1900 Northwest Expy Oklahoma City.

Amy Bruce, Executive Director of Whiz KidsAs mentioned, Amy is the Executive Director of Whiz Kids, an after-school literacy tutoring and faith-based mentoring program serving over 570 elementary students with the support of more than 975 dedicated volunteers. She first joined Whiz Kids in 2012 as a site coordinator for her home church and officially became part of the team in 2016. Throughout her tenure, she has held various roles, each deepening her passion for the program's mission. A firm believer in the transformative power of mentoring, she is committed to ensuring that every child has a champion-because she knows it can change the world.


Before joining Whiz Kids, Amy spent 16 years in higher education, helping students and their families navigate college preparation and planning. She is married to Cory, an engineer at Tinker AFB, and together they have three children. Outside of Whiz Kids, you'll often find her cheering on her kids at soccer and volleyball games or capturing moments behind the camera as a hobby photographer.

Join in the OKC Memorial Marathon by doing a marathon!

Students 5th grade and below and Seniors 60+ are invited to join Mayflower in the Saturday marathon events. Participants will log 25 miles before race day. Then, on race day, Saturday, April 26th, participants will complete the final 1.2 miles.
The Senior Marathon begins at 8 am and the Kid Marathon begins at 9 am.
The Christian Ed Board is covering the registration fees for students, grownups of students who are doing the kids’ marathon, and seniors.
Sign up using he button below, then Joanna will send you the waiver, link, and discount code to register.

The registration deadline for groups is March 31st!

Our theme for Lent this year is “everything [in] between,” an opportunity for us to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to transformation. During the entirety of Lent, there will be multiple ways to engage more deeply.

Use the button below to download the digital Lenten devotional. Printed devotionals are also available at the church.
Lenten Vespers—during the Lenten season, we will gather for Vespers at 6:30pm on Thursdays beginning March 13th, to find our breath, moving more deeply into spiritual practices of song and prayer each week. Childcare is provided.
Lenten Sunday School
  • Remembering Sabbath
Throughout the Lenten Season, Rev. Sheridan will be leading a Sunday School class focused on understanding and practicing the art of Sabbath, at 9am in Classroom 1 of the Christian Ed wing.
  • Exploring Everything [in] Between
Join the K-5th graders in Classroom 2 at 9am as we journey through Lent exploring Everything [in] Between. Utilizing stories, skits, art, and community service projects, we will spend time this liturgical season asking questions, building connections, and learning together.
Join our Music Director, Clint Williams, for this volunteer singing opportunity, which is open to anyone interested in joining us for song up on the chancel during our Ash Wednesday service. Like our Third Sunday Choir, we will gather in the Sanctuary an hour early at 5:30pm to learn the piece and then sing it together during the service. If you have any questions, use the button below to contact Clint.

We're excited to announce our next volunteer choir opportunity for singers of all skill levels. Join our Music Director, Clint Williams for our Easter Music Module. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30pm, March 19 through April 16th. We will sing in the church on Easter Sunday, April 20th.
SOLACE, Mayflower’s youth group meets in person for Sunday School and Wednesday evening youth group meetings. If you or a student in 6th-12th grade you know is interested in joining SOLACE, you can email the youth minister, Steven Christofferson, by clicking the button below.

Mayflower's New App on iPhone and Android!Download our church's mobile app and get easy access to worship, events, and giving. Our app can be found in Google Play for Android users and Apple's App Store for iPhone users-see the links below. If you need assistance, contact the church office or ask one of our deacons on Sunday mornings.

Once you have the app, please be sure to allow notifications. It's the best way we have of letting you know about church closures during inclement weather.

Mayflower App on Apple App Store Mayflower App on Google Play Store
Plan to stay after worship next Sunday, March 9th, as we welcome Rev. Dr. Gary Peluso-Verdend and volunteers with the Braver Angels Alliance in Oklahoma for a workshop called “Depolarizing Within.”

There is a difference between being polarized and expressing disagreement. The latter is essential in a democracy. The former turns opponents into enemies. Polarization can be driven by how we talk with like-minded people about those on the other side. Too often, we stereotype, dismiss, or ridicule our fellow citizens who support the other political party, its leaders, and its policies.

In this 2-hour workshop you will learn:
  • How to be more aware of their own “inner polarizer”
  • How to be critical without demonizing, dismissing or stereotyping
  • How to depolarize conversations with like-minded people.

Led by volunteers from the Braver Angels Alliance in Oklahoma. Braver Angels is a national organization founded in 2016, dedicated to depolarizing the nation in service of a healthy American democracy, beginning with individuals who want to build a healthier culture of conversation and argument.

Child care is provided and light refreshments are provided.
For those who would like to know more about the knitting and crocheting ministry at Mayflower, please stay after worship on March 16th to learn more about the handmade scarves we work on year-round to prepare for 363s Wrap Them in Warmth drive in December, as well as the handmade prayer shawls that we gift to folks during life’s significant moments, whether it be to celebrate a birth or bring comfort during times of grief or illness. That meeting will be in the Seeker’s Room at the far end of the fellowship hall.
On Sunday, March 16th, at 6:30pm, will gather with our Muslim neighbors for an Iftar dinner. Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims around the globe, during which they fast throughout daylight hours and break their fast at sunset, with a meal known as Iftar. In partnership with the Dialogue Institute of Oklahoma, we are co-hosting an Iftar dinner here at Mayflower! We do need a headcount, so please register. This dinner is for all ages and stages!

Women’s History Month Movie Night:

Join the Christian Ed Board for movie night on March 23rd at 6 pm! Bring a lawn chair and picnic dinner and gather in the north parking lot to celebrate Women’s History Month and the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League by watching the 1992 film, A League of their Own.


Our partners who serve the homeless and marginalized members of our community always need clothing for their clients.
The Mayflower UCC 363 Group's call is to stand in the gap and try to provide as many resources as possible. So, we're asking you to do a little spring cleaning for lightly used shirts and shop for new shirts.
We need T-Shirts of all sizes (XS—XXXL), preferably in neutral colors. The group has created an Amazon Wish List to make it easy for you!
Please bring (or ship) your shirts to the church throughout the month of March.
As always, thank you for your commitment to serving our city and everyone who lives here.
If you have any questions, please email