• Today our Governing Boards will meet after worship - a time when our deacons, christian ed, music, benevolence, and trustee boards plan and shape the work and ministry of this congregation.

  • Our Reproductive Justice Team invites you to a presentation by Pregnancy Justice US here at Mayflower this Thursday, February 27th, at 6pm. More information can be found in the events tab on our website and in our app.

  • Next Sunday is a day of celebration! We’ll welcome in worship the Rev. Angela Tyler-Williams, who is Co-Director of Movement Building with the Spiritual Alliance of Communities for Reproductive Justice, to celebrate with us our pubic witness for reproductive justice, and then after worship, she’ll lead a workshop about ongoing reproductive justice work. Childcare and snacks will be provided.

  • Lent begins in just over a week with our Ash Wednesday service on March 5th, at 6:30pm. Childcare is provided. This Thursday we’ll send out our Lenten devotional in our weekly email, but if you prefer a paper copy, those will also be available at the church.